Sunday, April 08, 2007

Cinema theestaru anta cinema

Spring break this time was not a fact.....when i got back to books.....felt that was break.....:)

There is this roomie of mine whos as cranky as i m if not more...... both of us have this childish line of thought.......both of us had this cranky idea of making a movie........:)

so when there was a call from the Houston Telugu Association to participate in their Ugadi celebrations this year, Satish (another guy whos probably not as cranky as we are...) and Soma had this idea to make a movie and play it there...... So what happens when 3 mad men get together? passions match and each give in 150% of their complete attention to it....

man.....must agree it was exhilarating......the whole experience....planning the shoots, deciding the screenplay.....writing dialogues....acting.... making others act..... planning on lighting.....deciding camera angles...:) and for soma n satish...apart from all this, writing lyrics, singing, climbing trees, falling into swimming pools, editing, compiling......

of all things.. it was sleepless nights that was the best........soma's style of functioning is like rahman's.....he starts all his creative work in the mostly unearthly times.....and it was fun.....probably for the whole of spring break and a week before and after that..... soma and satish would have spent about a maximum of 10 hours sleeping....

and finally, when the movie was being played in the houston hall, this was our sleep for more than 30 hours before the point this photo was taken.....soma no longer cares whats happening, satish trying desperately to stay as hero as he can get ..... n me? continue to be the fool that i am....only with time from the last wink increasing....its difficult to control what nonsense u speak and do :)

so here are the links to the "movie" we made.... all of 12 minutes... but took tonnes n tonnes of effort ( man hours are probably about 300-500 !! )......

Shiva- Born again : part 1, part 2
the good? we started understanding what it takes to make a full length movie...
the bad? we now watch every movie with such a critical view.... start seeing how, where the cameras are....the lighting for the scene....the way the actor performed and emoted for that relevant the scene is to the the dialogues sound dry or too senti.... in the process....we stop seeing the big picture......
when u watch a nice movie, its supposed to consume you....take you with it.... u must start feeling it.... u must become a part of it...... but for us, thats lot more difficult this attempt to understand movie making better, we started losing the entertainment quotient from it......atleast no longer the conventional way..... u know, we are no longer able to laugh when we are supposed to :)..... when me and soma watch a movie now, we laugh at something stupid that was done in the movie :) thats comedy for us now :)

movie making rocked :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

cell "phony"

Finally.... I have a cell phone too.....easier to stay unconnected this way........:)

Whats ur weird story for today?

Honk... Honk....

"Excuuuuse meeee......!!!" "Excuuuuse meeee......!!!" "Excuuuuse meeee......!!!" giggle...giggle....giggle.....

(me?)..... turning back to see a car full of hot white american chicks......

the car drives by closer to the footpath i have already frozen on..... ears getting hotter.... fiddling with the keys in the pocket into which the hands automatically sunk into....panic..... tension....excitement...

"Err.... this might sound really weird..... but we have a question..."

GULP...... so this is it... they r gonna ask some directions.....? gonna mess this up..... stutter... stammer.... fake accents.....hope the question has a single word answer.....

"So which religion do you belong to?"

!!!!! now, I have racist.... communal... white american chicks to answer to .....???


"Scuse me.... what?"

"......hrrr.... koff.... Hindu"

AAh... cool..... thanks.....we just turned in a class report on that" " You have a great day...."

Car drives away.........

!!!!....... weird? so i thought too......